Friday, April 16, 2004


oh joy, oh rapture, oh FINALLY! i have finished my scarf/belt! i looooove the yarn! it knits up to be sooo jewelesque! (can you tell im excited by all the exclamations??)

anywho, it's perfect and beautiful. yes, by perfect, i mean that unconditional view of perfection where all the flaws are looked at as a unique part of a personality and without which the object would cease to be perfect. wow, that was poetry!

anyways, here's a pattern for the dazzle scarf belt:

this is a mega-easy pattern for those who love versatile garments


3-50g balls of Dazzle in any color
size 15 needles (i used circular needles to prevent dropping when i wasn't working...)

cast on 30 st. turn. knit each stitch to end. continue this pattern until your belt/scarf is as long as you want/need. mine's about 65" or so.

see? i told you it's easy! cast on more for a more versatile garment! want a shawl made of brilliant gems? cast on 60 st! ok, i will warn you about this pattern, though... it is really loose, which i wanted. so give it a shot and see what you come up with!

i tried to crochet with this yarn, and i have to admit, it was damn near impossible. but im going to try it again with a technique i have in my head... i haven't seen any one else try it, and i wont publish it until i know it works. ill keep ya posted.

once i figure out how to write my pattern for the granny square purse, i will post that, too!

okie dokie... gotsta go!


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